
Alberta’s Climate Plan: Balance Between Reducing Emissions and Energy Security


On Wednesday, Canada’s oil-rich Alberta unveiled a climate plan that seeks to completely eliminate carbon emissions by 2050. However, the province did not disclose any interim targets, putting it at odds with the federal government’s policy.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made it his goal to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the country by 40-45% over the next decade. Alberta, the province with the highest amount of emissions and the hub of Canada’s oil and gas industry, is the key point for this initiative.

Sonya Savage, the Alberta Environment Minister, highlighted that the province is aiming to establish emission targets that are tailored to each sector, and would not set extra tough interim objectives. She particularly cited Ottawa’s 2030 objective to reduce emissions from oil and gas by 42%.

“That’s a random target attached to a random date,” said Savage at a news conference. “Before we regulate or impose limits on specific industries and interim targets there’s more work to be done. We have to see what’s achievable.”

Alberta’s Premier Danielle Smith has been a vocal opponent of Trudeau for a long time. She has made it her mission during her time as premier, to stop the federal government from gaining too much authority, specifically in the energy sector.

The provincial administration’s statement on the climate plan requested that Ottawa regulators “stay in their lane” and out of provincial affairs.

The plan prioritizes things like carbon capture and storage, clean energy production, methane regulations, and expanding the province’s industrial carbon pricing system.

Savage said that the Alberta government is considering lowering the 100-megatonne cap on oil sand emissions. Alberta has argued that the Canadian government’s proposed restriction on emissions from oil and gas will ultimately restrict production.

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Written by Olivia Woods

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